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Collaboration – a common enough word and one used frequently in terms of a team or between companies working on a project.   It is common enough that we don’t always stop to think about the benefits and why it is important.   An open concept office is helpful in encouraging our employees to connect and collaborate with others in the workplace.  This kind of collaboration is encouraged for a myriad of reasons that are beneficial to our clients and employees.

MeritCorp Employees Collaborating on Projects


  • Share strengths and weaknesses – No Engineer can claim proficiency in every possible area of their field.   In fact, continuing education is a regular ongoing requirement to renew a license.  In collaborating with other Engineers an opportunity to learn and expand knowledge, share past experiences and troubleshoot with multiple perspectives is presented.
  • Promote Faster Solutions – ‘Divide and conquer’ and increased efficiency are included in collaborating – Sharing ideas, problems and solutions as well as dividing workload in a way that allows for learning but also keeps the project on time.
  • Enhance Job Satisfaction – Human interaction, sharing knowledge, and stronger working relationships thru shared success and struggles.  When up against a problem, collaborating allows for a faster, more efficient pooling of ideas to find a solution.
  • Workplace Community – Since a majority of the day is spent with co-workers, it is good to have a comfortable workplace community where each member is valued and allowed to contribute.  Collaboration encourages that sharing of ideas and can reinforce positive workplace relations.
Rebecca LuginbilCollaboration
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